Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Creative Writing: Destruction of Charn

Another one of my blog post of the MV Teen Voice. This time though it is a story I wrote based off the Chronicles of Narnia. This was published August 14, 2013. Original Location:

Destruction of Charn

Rosemary and her older twin brother, William, ran up to the attic of their grandma’s house. They had finally gotten permission to explore. They scrambled up the rickety ladder that led to the dark, dry attic. Inside of the attic, there were boxes filled with books, old toys, pieces of dilapidated furniture, and many other odd items here and there. Both William and Rosemary started to rummage through all if the boxes, searching for anything that seemed interesting. One particular box caught Rosemary’s eye. The box was not a plain wooden or cardboard box. The box was sealed tightly shut and covered with strange shapes and designs. It was slightly smaller than a microwave oven.  Intrigued by the sight, Rosemary cautiously crept over to the box and tried to open it. First she tried tugging at the top; then, she found a metal latch that kept it shut. Rosemary carefully undid the latch and warily opened the box. She decided to call her brother over before further investigating the box.
“Will, come over here,” she called, “I want to show you something.”
Will hastily scrambled over.
“What is it?” he asked.
“Look at what I found.”
Both of them peered into the box. The contents of the box were rather odd. Inside, there was a beautiful white, silk dress. On top of the dress lay a heavy golden crown that had crimson jewels set into it. William picked up the crown and placed it next to the box while, Rosemary was taking out the dress and folding it next to the box. There was nothing else in the box except for a few pieces of jewelry and a package that was wrapped in some sort of beige colored cloth. William picked up the package and started to unwrap it.  Inside of the package was a worn leather-bound book. On the cover, the title was written in bold lettering. The title was “The Destruction of Charn.”
“What a weird title,” commented Rosemary. “Hey, William, why don’t you read it out loud? Hello? William, are you listening to me?”
“Hmm,” replied Will, who was opening the book.
“William! Read it out loud,” ordered Rosemary, “William, are you listening to me?”
William gave a contemptuous glance to his sister and answered, “Fine.”
William began to read…

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Book Review: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, by C.S. Lewis

Here is another book review for the MV Teen Voice. Published July 31st, 2013. Original Location:

Book Review: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, by C.S. Lewis

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is a compelling story that is filled with fantasy, adventure, and plenty of space for imagination.
It was written by the extolled author C.S. Lewis, published in 1950, and dedicated to Lewis’s goddaughter, Lucy Barfied. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was a part of a book series that would be come to be known as the Chronicles of Narnia. This story at the beginning is set in England during World War II. Then it takes the main characters, Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy, to another world called Narnia.
In the book, there are many incredible creatures, animals, and people such as the jaunty fauns, elated dryads, serene naiads, talking beavers, and amiable Father Christmas. Because they are there, an element of magic is added to the story. It shows the readers that not only humans have to be in control.  C.S. Lewis also shows some of the Christian beliefs and the story of Jesus Christ because Aslan represents Jesus Christ. When Aslan dies to save Edmund, it is like how  Jesus died to save the people on Earth. Also, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe tells the about having compassion and forgiving others.  This is shown when the Pevensies Children forgive Edmund for betraying them to the White Witch. Incredibly, Aslan goes to die in Edmund’s place, which shows how Aslan had compassion for Edmund, even though he is perfectly innocent.
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe has much fantasy and adventure that allows to reader to explore their imagination while they read an amazing story.
-Kirikaze Kylini
Hoped you liked it! Going to have a story I wrote awhile back, up soon!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

End of First Day

This is the End of my first day with a blog...kinda fun...hoping to post more soon!


Manga Introduction: Naruto, by Masashi Kishimoto

Here is the next post I had on the MV Teen Blog. This one is going to be apart of a series of reviews I was going to do.  Just Fyi for any review I post on here, I will link it to the previous posts if they are a series. This one was posted on July 23rd, 2013. Original Location:

Manga Introduction: Naruto, by Masashi Kishimoto

naruto_coverThis was my first ever manga I ever read. This is the manga series that got me hooked into the word of manga. Since then I have learned about many more.

Here are a few facts about Naruto:
  • Naruto was first published in September of 1999. It quickly became popular and now remains as one of the top 5 most popular manga in the world.
  • There are over 60 tankobon volumes(Manga books) each containing about 8-10 chapters per book. Each chapter is a full set of about 18-20 pages of black and white drawings.
  • Every week Naruto’s publisher magazine, Weekly Shonen Jump, publishes one chapter of Naruto.
  • Naruto, due to its popularity, has two anime series, both featuring over 200 episodes.
As you can see, Naruto is a rather large and popular manga series. In this manga series, ninjas are the ones who have most power in the land where the series happens. The series mainly focuses on Naruto Uzumaki, who is the main character. There are also many incredible main supporting characters.
-Kirikaze Kylini
The site I am writing for is actually a good place to find reviews about a lot of books. Well Seeya!

Book Review: First Test, By Tamora Pierce

Hey Guys! Going to start post the reviews I write for the Mission Viejo Teen Voice Blog! Here is the first one! Published on July 8th, 2013. Original Location:

Book Review: First Test, By Tamora Pierce
Girls trying to be knights are not a new idea but, in the book, First Test, Tamora Pierce brings a whole new twist to it. The book is about the first year of Keladry of Mindelan’s page years as she works to become accepted for deciding to become the 2nd female knight in the medieval and fantastic realm,Tortall.
firsttest_coverFirst Test is the first book of the Protector of the Small Quartet by Tamora Pierce. This series is only one of the many series that she has written.
The First Test is about Keladry of Mindelan, who is known as Kel, first year as a page. Kel tries to prove to pages’ training master, Lord Wyldon that she can do just as well as the other boys in training. Many people are against girls becoming knights and so she receives much pressure. On top of that she has to deal with the fact that she was raised in another part of the realm and has to adjust to the completely different Tortall culture. Her friend Nealan “Neal” of Queenscove helps her along the way.
First Test is a well written book. There is plenty of adventure and action in the story. The characters are well-developed and are believable. Kel, the main character, is not someone who seems unbelievably lucky or powerful. She in her own way does have fault and fears. This makes her connect more with the reader. This is the same with most of the characters. The author also incorporates things from other real life cultures and traditions.  Most authors who write in a medieval times setting usually take their ideas from Europe. Pierce actually incorporated some of the parts of the African culture and the Japanese culture into her story. This makes the story more interesting since there are more perspectives to see the story.
Overall this book is great for anyone who wants to have a strong girl protagonist as the main character. This has action and adventure as well. It might seem like a school story at first due to the very school like atmosphere of the page training but there is a whole lot more to it. The complete series itself, I would only recommend to older readers because it does deal with the maturing of girls, the changes they go through, and love. This is because of the growing age of the main character. This book is a good read for anyone, but there series is better for older readers. This is only my opinion. So read it for yourself and decide.
-Kirikaze Kylini
I wrote this! Anyway going to continue posting ing some of my other ones. Maybe I might do a story just on this blog!

First Post!

Just made this blog! Hoping that it will go well and it will be fun! Most likely going to post some day to day events and some of the book review and stories that I am writing!!!

All for now,