Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Meaning of My Blog Name

My name, Kirikaze Kylini is kinda strange so I thought that people would like to know the meaning behind it.

This part of my name came from a manga charater that i had hear about. I like the name so I began to find out more about it.
Meaning: Misty Wind
Origin: Japanese
 Kanji: 霧(Kiri;Misty)風(Kaze;Wind)

This part of my name was given to me for a star wars podcast that no longer exists...I liked it so I reused it.

Nothing much else to it

-Kirikaze Kylini

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


I have not been posting lately....Very sorry....I really doubt that I will every complete the posts from my mission trip....i was so tired after that trip and I have barely recovered from it yet......Will try to post other stuff though....please comment.....
